Marie Antoinette's clock

Marie Antoinette's clock

97x162cm, oil on canvas, 2019

Classic books-Shakespeare

Classic books-Shakespeare

97x162cm, oil on canvas, 2019

Modern Times

Modern Times

97x162cm, oil on canvas, 2019

Nobel Prize in Literature

Nobel Prize in Literature

112x162cm, oil on canva, 2019

Einstein's Clocks

Einstein's Clocks

72.7x116.7cm, oil on canvas, 2019

Classic books-Shakespeare

Classic books-Shakespeare

60.6x72.7cm, oil on canvas, 2019

Danae-Klimt & Rembrandt

Danae-Klimt & Rembrandt

50x50cmx2EA, oil on canvas, 2018

The Birth of Venus

The Birth of Venus

50x50cmx2EA, oil on canvas, 2019

Classical Art Book

Classical Art Book

72.7x116.7cm, oil on canvas, 2019

Art Book-Ingres

Art Book-Ingres

72.7x116.7cm, oil on canvas, 2019



60x60cm, oil on canvas, 2019



45.5x53cm, oil on canvas, 2019

Myth-Cupid And Psyche

Myth-Cupid And Psyche

45.5x53cm, oil on canvas, 2019

The Cinema Book

The Cinema Book

80.3x116.7cm, oil on canvas, 2017

Art book

Art book

72.7x116.7cm, oil on canvas, 2017

Modern Times

Modern Times

72.7x116.7cm, oil on canvas, 2017

Myths of Greece and Rome

Myths of Greece and Rome

162x112cm, oil on canvas, 2017

History of China

History of China

162x112cm, oil on canvas, 2016

Children's book

Children's book

130.3x162cm, oil on canvas, 2017

The Jazz book

The Jazz book

130x130cm, oil on canvas, 2016

Nobel Prize in Literature

Nobel Prize in Literature

130x130cm, oil on canvas, 2016

Art book-Manet

Art book-Manet

50x50cm, oil on canvas, 2015

Marie Antoinette's clock

Marie Antoinette's clock

60.6x90cm(30M), oil on canvas, 2015

Art book-Grand Odalisque

Art book-Grand Odalisque

60.6x90cm(30M), oil on canvas, 2012

A Woman's Life

A Woman's Life

130.3x162.2cm, oil on canvas, 2010



130.3x162.2cm, oil on canvas, 2010

여행, 색에 물들다(Soul Trip)

여행, 색에 물들다(Soul Trip)

130x130cm, oil on canvas, 2010

History of Music

History of Music

130x130cm, oil on canvas, 2010

Musical Story

Musical Story

130x130cm, oil on canvas, 2010

History of Korea

History of Korea

162x97cm, oil on canvas, 2010

History of China

History of China

162x97cm, oil on canvas, 2011

History of Japan

History of Japan

162x97cm, oil on canvas, 2010

인간의 내밀한 역사(An Intimate History of Humanity)

인간의 내밀한 역사(An Intimate History of Humanity)

97x130.3cm, oil on canvas, 2010

History of Egypt

History of Egypt

97x130cm, oil on canvas, 2010

Art book-Klimt

Art book-Klimt

72.7x116.8cm(50M), oil on canvas, 2012

Art of china

Art of china

72.7x116.8cm, oil on canvas, 2012

불교(Buddhism, 佛敎)

불교(Buddhism, 佛敎)

130.3x162cm, oil on canvas, 2009

유교(Confucianism, 儒敎)

유교(Confucianism, 儒敎)

130.3x162cm, oil on canvas, 2009



130.3x162cm, oil on canvas, 2009

Style book

Style book

130.3cmx130.3cm, oil on canvas, 2009

Books and Luxuries

Books and Luxuries

91x116.7cm, oil on canvas, 2008

책을 쌓다(Piling books)

책을 쌓다(Piling books)

130.3x162.2cm, oil on canvas, 2007



116.7x72.7cm, oil on canvas, 2008

불후의 명작(The Masterpiece in My Life)

불후의 명작(The Masterpiece in My Life)

130.3x162cm, oil on canvas, 2008

에로스에 빠진 미술(Art Addicted to Eros)

에로스에 빠진 미술(Art Addicted to Eros)

97x162cm, oil on canvas, 2008

일본여행기(Japan travels)

일본여행기(Japan travels)

91x116.7cm, oil on canvas, 2009

공부도-현대미술(Contemporary Art)

공부도-현대미술(Contemporary Art)

97x162cm, oil on canvas, 2008

공부도-진화론(The Evolution Teory)

공부도-진화론(The Evolution Teory)

130.3x162cm, oil on canvas, 2008

한국미술사(Korean Art History)

한국미술사(Korean Art History)

60x60cm, oil on canvas, 2007

American Artists

American Artists

60.6x91cm, oil on canvas, 2008

공부도-신윤복(The Masterpiece of SHIN Yunbok)

공부도-신윤복(The Masterpiece of SHIN Yunbok)

77x33.5cm, oil on canvas, 2008

피카소, 고흐, 워홀 책을 쌓다 (Piling books-Piccasom, Gogh, Warhol)

피카소, 고흐, 워홀 책을 쌓다 (Piling books-Piccasom, Gogh, Warhol)

161x72.7cm, oil on canvas, 2007

미인(美人) 책을 쌓다(A Beauty-heap with Books)

미인(美人) 책을 쌓다(A Beauty-heap with Books)

60.6x91cm, oil on canvas, 2007

빨간 책을 쌓다(Piling books-Red)

빨간 책을 쌓다(Piling books-Red)

91x116.7cm, oil on canvas, 2007

명화 책을 쌓다(The Masterpiece in My Life)

명화 책을 쌓다(The Masterpiece in My Life)

각 24.2x33cm, oil on canvas, 2008

Art book-Velazquez

Art book-Velazquez

33.5x77cm, oil on canvas, 2017

명화 책을 쌓다-마네

명화 책을 쌓다-마네

24.2x33cm, oil on canvas, 2009

명화 책을 쌓다-피카소(Piling books-Piccaso)

명화 책을 쌓다-피카소(Piling books-Piccaso)

24.2x33cm, oil on canvas, 2009

노란 책을 쌓다(Piling books-Yellow)

노란 책을 쌓다(Piling books-Yellow)

40.9x53.0cm, oil on canvas, 2007

조선의 화가-허난설헌(Korean Artist-Heo Nanseolheon)

조선의 화가-허난설헌(Korean Artist-Heo Nanseolheon)

45.5x53.0cm, oil on canvas, 2010